All Posts by Teens

Are You Up for a Challenge?

Learn how Teens can participate in our Summer Reading Challenge and earn prizes!

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Adventure Awaits! - Teens and Tweens Summer Programming 2024

Explore what events are in store for Teens and Tweens this Summer!

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Getting the Most out of Your Reading

Rylie Yawson discuss ways to get the most out of your reading experience and how important it truly is.

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The Red Carpet Dance

Here’s what V.I.P.s need to know about CCJPL’s 2024 Teen Dance!

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Introducing Myself

Rylie Yawson introduces herself as the new Marketing & PR Manager

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Get Creative in the TeenHub Makerspace!

It’s official, our TeenHub Makerspace is OPEN!

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Manga 101

Get to know TeenHub’s impressive collection of manga!

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New Year? Game On!

Join us at TeenHub for Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop RPGs, and more!

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Volunteer Opportunities for Teens

Want to get involved at the Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library? Need volunteer hours for school or clubs?

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Back-to-School Fun for Teens and Tweens: August 2023

Here's the August line-up of programs for teens and tweens at CCJPL!

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New Additions for Teens

Michaela Huss keeps us up to date on new additions to the Teen Hub!

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