Free Practice ACT Testing Returns!

About Blog Post February 7, 2025 Michaela Huss headshot of post author Michaela Huss
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As our community of students enters into the Spring Semester, the Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library is abuzz with study buddies getting together to tackle homework, group projects, and more! It’s also test prep season for many standardized exams, including the ACT. The library still has students covered with study aids available for a wide variety of subjects, but what if you’re looking for a more hands-on test-taking experience, in addition to books and databases? 


CCJPL is proud to partner locally with Beacon Tutoring Co. to host free ACT Practice Testing again this Spring! Want to learn how you can sign up? Here’s everything you need to know about our free Practice ACT Testing program series for teens!


Why take an ACT Practice Test?

Taking ACT Practice Tests allows high school students to get a feel for the testing process and time management skills needed to take the ACT on their own. Afterwards, students will receive their practice test scores, which can help them identify sections of the exam they are more prepared for, as well as potential subjects they may want more practice with before taking the ACT. 


Since students typically have to pay for each standard ACT Test they take, a free Practice Test is a good time investment for students looking to get in more experience with the test, without paying out-of-pocket.


Register at the Teen Desk to take a Practice Test , or through our Website Calendar, here.


After signing up, what should students expect on the day of the practice test?

  • Make a checklist beforehand of what you plan to bring (you may want a water bottle, extra pencils, a jacket if it’s chilly, etc.). Remember your calculator, if you’re bringing your own, or remember to request that one be provided for you on your registration form.
  • Students should enter for the program through the “Round Room After Hours Entrance” on Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library’s Madison St. side. (The Main Library will still be closed during this time, so make sure you come to the correct entrance.) The door will open around 8:45 am, and the practice test will start at 9 am.
  • A Practice ACT Test is administered much like a Standard ACT Test, with four timed multiple-choice sections: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Students can expect a short break after the first two sections to have a snack and stretch. (Snacks and water will be provided by the library, but students may bring their own water bottle or snack if desired.)
  • After the practice testing has ended, the main library will be open, so students may exit through the regular library entrances. After our partners from Beacon Tutoring Co. have finished grading, practice test scores will be sent out to students by text or email, to the phone number/email address indicated on their registration form.
  • If you have any additional questions about the Practice ACT program, feel free to give CCJPL a call at (870) 935 - 5133. For more information about our community partner, Beacon Tutoring Co., please contact 870-919-0346 or


Whether you’re a high school student preparing to take the ACT for the first time, second time, or even what might feel like the 100th time, we invite you to sign up for Practice ACT Testing with us the third Saturday of each month this Spring, from February – May. 


See our list of Practice ACT Testing Dates below:

  • February 15th, 2025, 9am-12:30pm
  • March 15th, 2025, 9am-12:30pm
  • April 19th, 2025, 9am-12:30pm
  • May 17th, 2025, 9am-12:30pm


Sign Up for Spring 2025 Practice ACT Testing Here!